"We have learned from the great thinkers of ancient and modern times that our perceptions and all our standards of beauty are derived from the understanding of the human body... Eliot
Goldfinger's massive and thorough study of this vital subject, describing the volumes and rhythms in precise and intimate detail, we help every reader to better understand the volumes and rhythms of this, our most precious possession" Jack Beal, Painter, New YorkAcademy of Art
"Eliot Golfinger provides an excellent 'field guide' here to help beginner and professional alike... This is a book to which we will come back again and again because the human form is always far less obvious it may seem"
Richard McDermott Miller, Sculptor, President National Academy of Design.
"We are fortunate to have Eliot Goldfinger. He approaches the world of artistic anatomy with the love of an artist and the compulsive inquisitiveness of a scientist. The resulting book has beautifully organized information for the student and the master artist, and every one in between" Marc richard Mellon, Sculptor, President Artist Fellowship Inc.
Human Anatomy for Artist will add a new dimension to anatomical literature... this will be valuable addition to any artist's library" Audrey Flack, Painter and Sculptor, The Cooper Union, Patt Institute
"Eliot Goldfinger, sculptor, artist, anatomist, and lecturer, has made a book that is appropiate at this time in art history, a much needed appendage to the already existing artist' anatomy library. Its simple and forthright approach to solving complex anatomy problems will be of great help to the aspiring artist" Frank Mason,
Art Students League.
Migel Angel Buonarroti, Da Vinci, Durero, Rembrandt y todos aquellos grandes de la pintura del Renacimiento y escuelas posteriores comprendieron la importancia que tiene para el artista conocer a cabalidad la estructura ósea y muscular de los cuerpos a dibujar, pues, sin ese conocimiento, es como si se intentara armar una escultura sin su armazón de soporte, o construir un auto sin chasis o un edificio sin estructura... La anatomía humana posee la más hermosa de las estructuras, en sí misma encierra un misterio hermoso y digno de contemplarse, más aún, cuando el artista juega a ser un "creador" (por no decir Dios) es necesario que comprenda a fondo y analice todas las partes que sostienen esa maravillosa "maquinaria" llamado: cuerpo humano. El libro de Eliot Goldfinger es una guía bastante amplia y fácil de entender para ayudarnos en esa sublime tarea. ¡Espero les sea de muchísimo provecho!
Además les anexo el otro libro del autor Animal Anatomy for Artists
Human Anatomy for Artist / PDF
Animal Anatomy for Artist /PDF
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